Music seems the art most easily to be loved.

X-Factor voor computer-composities
Een vriend van me vertelde dat hij het geweldig zou vinden als iemand, of een computer voor zijn part, de missende cantates van Bach zou schrijven. Maar wat is de waarde van die stukken als Bach ze niet zelf componeerde? Hoe luister je naar zulke cantates? Nee, zoiets zet je vriendschap wel op scherp. Maar…
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Art Communicates, or Does It?
Art has something to do with communication, as Anthony Savile (2001) argued. Richard Wollheim (2001) objected explicitly against treating art as communication. Yet Savile’s claim seems compatible with certain other arguments in Wollheim’s thought (1988, 1993). The connection would be this:
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The boredom of computerisation
Listening to the radio is not just about the music. JazzFM, SkyRadio, and many other radio stations broadcast randomly chosen selections from a selection of music. Perhaps the initial selection (of what should be in the database) was made by humans—or maybe they used an algorithm such as iTunes’ Genius. …With computerised radio stations the…
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Music Videos
A good music video is one where the imagery prompts suitably to aspects of the music, and where the music prompts suitably to aspects of the imagery. As a genre, or art form, the music video’s critical value is in this reciprocal prompting. The music does not have to be the best, the imagery doesn’t…
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Cage’s 4’33” Revisited
The point of Cage’s 4’33” is not that we should pay attention to sounds per se. The sounds that we are asked to pay attention to, are the sound we ourselves are producing: sounds, that is, that carry some intentional structure, and to which, normally, we would never pay any attention because of our concentrating…
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Music and Photographs
We do not treat the circular object of the CD as a representation of the sound that is “burned” into it. The zeroes and ones do not in any way represent the sounds of the music, though everyone agrees that they somehow carry them. Why then do we say that a photograph represents what it…
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Madonna’s Absence
In my view, the only thing positive about Madonna’s music — apart from the financial constancy of the Madonna industry — is Madonna’s Absence. She does not sing (one assumes that she cannot), i.e. she is not present in her singing, the sounds of voices do not present themselves as produced by a singing; the…
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Art Versus Life
Oh, how art makes a mockery of life. Of late, enjoying profoundly the great jazz classics — the likes of Miles Davis, Albert Ayler, John Coltrane, Lennie Tristano, Warne Marsh , Thelonious Monk, Eric Dolphy — I feel horrible. I feel about how what they did was make stuff that intimated them to an anonymous…
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Plato’s Afrikaanse Wortels
In de NRC van 22 maart las ik een volstrekt onverdachte steun voor muzikaal platonisme. Muzikaal platonisme stelt dat componisten geen nieuwe muziek maken, maar slechts klankcombinaties die allemaal allang bestaan in de Platoonse hemel, de Ideeënwereld, en die voor ons die nog niet van die wereld op de hoogte zijn nieuw klinken, op papier…
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Beatles in Space
Sir Paul McCartney was erg trots op het feit dat een liedje van de Beatles de ruimte in geseind wordt, een initiatief van NASA. Het gaat om “Across the Universe”, 40 jaar geleden uitgebracht, en NASA is vijfig vandaag, 4 februari. Het is natuurlijk ook gewoon zomaar een geintje van de techneuten, daar kun je…
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