Philosophy of the Arts


TinkerTool to the rescue

In response to renewed problem’s with Lion’s feature/bug of finsishing diacritical letters (see this previous complaint), I have probably found the solution in the excellent free system tweaker software:

TinkerTool options
The problem: following my own [tooltip title=”changing the `Delay Until Repeat’ keyboard setting in System Preferences, from ‘short’ to ‘long'” placement=”right”]solution[/tooltip] didn’t seem to be working, at least not in TeXShop, the graphical interface I use for writing in LaTeX: vowels keep disappearing because by typing on I did something to make the software think I made up my mind and decided to skip the letter …

Hopefully, TinkerTool, which has been an asset ever since it came around, does the job.
Needless to add, per the picture above: uncheck “Hold key to select diacritic characters”.

I hope this is now settled …

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